How do we understand or reconcile the need for normal sexual relationships with the reality of Spiritual Selfhood? Our bodies participate in the function that is so important to the male/female fulfilling the natural urge to bring each other real pleasure and closeness and deep human love. How is this a part of our Reality of Being? Is my desire for a truly fulfilling relationship including fulfilling sexual relationship right?


"Man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God"... "I am in this world but not of it." Here is the answer to all questions about spirit "versus" man or world.

Remember ALL IS ONE. There never is spirit "versus" man, or spiritual "versus" human or material. We are meant to live life to the full, the truest and most abundant in all areas of experience. We ARE Life Itself; we ARE the Infinitude Itself, omnipresent as the Whole expressing individually and uniquely AS You, Me, All. There is nothing "else" of us or about us. "I Am that I am."

As we awaken to the Truth that we are Spiritual Being existing in the Spiritual Kingdom (World; Universe; Infinitude) and that the conceptual (mental, physical, material) experience we are having at this stage of our awakening is perfectly normal and good AS IT IS RECOGNIZED AS SPIRIT ALONE and AS WE LIVE SPIRITUALLY rather than materially, then we discover the fullness of experience opens up and blossoms in front of us wherever we are; AS us whatever we do.

A fulfilling, true, passionate sexual relationship - two joined as one in love and passion (and in every other aspect of life together) - is very much part of the fullness of experience at this degree of awakening, just as using our current awareness of body, eating beautiful foods, living in a satisfying home and neighborhood, and working in fulfilling activity is part of this degree of experience.

"I am come that you may have life and have it more abundant."

The more we awaken to our truthful identity as spiritual being in a spiritual universe, and the more we realize that AS SPIRITUAL BEING which means AS OMNIPRESENCE ITSELF BEING THAT WHICH WE ARE, with spiritual bodies, things, amounts, activities, conditions and places, the more we find ourselves with true activity, home, supply, purpose of being, and relationship, including true sexual fulfillment which is never selfish but giving, sharing, enjoying the fullness of One as the shared experience of two in love, tenderness and celebration of the miracle of Life and Love as All.

As two spiritually awakening beings make love, by gently remembering that the body of your love, and yours, is Actually Spirit and Truth and Love Itself, therefore is far more about giving pleasure to the other than about receiving or self-satisfying, then sexual satisfaction becomes unfathomably deeper, more passionate, more fulfilling for both.

Always realize the ONENESS of Being. "Make the inner the outer, and make the outer the inner; make the male female, and the female male." Jesus tells us.

As with every aspect of life AS LONG AS WE KNOW OURSELVES AND ALL AS SPIRIT, AND AS LONG AS WE ARE LIVING AS AND FROM SPIRIT FIRST AND FOREMOST then we understand that SPIRITUAL BEING living in and as conceptual (material; physical) experience is perfectly natural at this stage of awareness, and not only natural but wholly fulfilling.

"The earth (physical or material sense or experience) is the Lord's and the fullness thereof (is Actually Truth, Spirit, God, Consciousness and the fullness, the infinity of, All being One Body, One Presence, One Life)... I am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly... I (Truth) am the life of the world (tangibility; mental; physical; material state of awareness)."