
In the 12 Part Demonstrating Supply Course you talk about giving - outpouring - every day. But it can be impractical to find a cause to give to every day. Can one give, say, once a week instead?

Also, is it necessary that the giving needs to be done in person or is it okay to give by cheque or over the internet or by phone? Is there a principle at work by giving every day and in person?


Spirit is Givingness, the Givingness of the Self to the Self, Self Completeness at each point, no point ever short of Complete Fulfillment of All, even for a nanosecond.

Giving is Spirit Being. There never is a withholding; there is only Being, and Being never has a "gettingness" about it, just a givingness.

You are Spirit, therefore your entire nature is to GIVE. You cannot give sporadically as some kind of formula to make Spirit "work" for you. You ARE that Spirit, that ONE. You ARE your entire world, there is no other. There is not a world you can somehow prosper or bring harmony or health to, by "using" Spirit.

You ARE THAT. You ARE your world, every tiny bit of it. It is You that prospers you, You that reveals harmony within you, You that reveals health as you.

Giving is our one and only state of being, of continual out-pouring, continual expression of love. You cannot give sporadically and expect to experience harmony, wealth and health anymore than the sun can give its light and heat sporadically and expect a harmonious and joyous universe.

If we fail to BE the giving flow Itself, we only close consciousness on ourselves, and then suffer the consequences of lack, limitation and discord WE HAVE BROUGHT UPON OURSELVES by our non-giving expression, out withholding of Self.

Give every day, every hour, every moment! Give to a homeless person, a beggar, a charity shop. Send some money to all the charities that write to you, or people with collection boxes in the street and supermarkets. Do not judge which is more worthy of giving to than another, because that is purely personalized interpretation, not impersonal spirit. Even send some money - £5 or £10 or more if you can - to someone in the address book, as a complete surprise, without the recipient ever knowing where their gift came from, or why.

Give, give, GIVE continually! - "both" spiritually and materially. You can give spirit infinitely because you HAVE and ARE infinite spirit. With material giving, start small, or very small, if your current spiritual awareness is such that, at this moment, the "outer" fruitage is small. But realize that as you start BEING the givingness that Spirit Is, you will quickly witness success and wealth everywhere in your life and career.

The greatest giving is SPIRITUAL RECOGNITION of all as being Spirit. Flow your spiritual awareness out "into" and "as" your entire world -- every nook and cranny of it.

Giving money and other material items is also important. There is such a misunderstanding and fear about money and "personal" belongings. You must break the back of this misunderstanding and fear by merging "money" into your spiritual awareness and giving.

You must lose all love and fear of money in the recognition that money is Spirit, therefore the FORM of Spirit appearing as the object we call money is "nothingness", just a mental image.

Prove it to yourself by continually getting rid of the objects called money, moving a portion of them away from you, continually GIVING IT OUT.

All the time you are giving, realize that SPIRIT is omnipresent, infinite, right there. An infinite ocean of Spirit is always right where you are, being You, replenishing and magnifying, multiplying the outer appearing forms WHEN YOU RELEASE ALL ATTACHMENT TO THE PHYSICAL FORM IN FAVOR OF SPIRITUAL FORM.

I have found that it is important to give PERSONALLY as much as we possible can, especially if we are experiencing stubborn money problems.

The reason is that this whole spiritual life is achieved by our actual, alive, SENSE that we are One, that we are expressing out of our infinity, that we are BEING the One, here, now, in everything we do, and AS everything we ARE.

I have found that the act of personally giving heightens that sense, far more so than sending a cheque. And certainly, we MUST give every day! You wouldn’t be fulfilled by a sun that pours out its light and heat only once per week; nor would the sun be able to LIVE its fullness if it poured out only once per week!

It is ONLY by the CONTINUAL, INCESSANT pouring out, giving, that we are able to experience the fullness of all harmony, life, abundance and satisfaction. Why? Because WE - YOU - are IT, Itself!!! There is nowhere it can possibly "come from" other than YOU, YOURSELF, pouring it out AS your world.

It is the BEING, the EXPRESSING, that reveals what is being expressed. Think about that.