Thank You - your registration for the September 2011 Private Practitioner Retreat is complete!
Thank you - your place at the Private Practitioner Retreat is registered.
To confirm:
PLACE: Leelaa, 1900 Manhattan Avenue, Hermosa Beach, California 90254, USA
Telephone: (310) 318-6572
DATES: 16, 17, 18th (Fri-Sun) September 2011
Hotels, Motels, Eateries & Cafes near to Leelaa
Preparation for the Practitioner Retreat
Immerse yourself in as much of the Miracle Self message as you can as preparation for these classes.
Ponder Truth, not "this world". As far as possible ponder Truth at every moment. Keep your mind filled - busy thinking about - Truth.
Think deeply about God, Spirit, throughout the day and night, not "for" any reason other than "getting to know God aright".
Then spend as much time per day being silent, letting God, Spirit BE the BEING You are, as "you" are as still as possible, as silent and receptive as possible... a nothingness of "self" enabling What Is to be felt happening as Itself, as You.
Begin to realize, to a greater degree than ever before, that the "self" LITERALLY knows NOTHING, is NOTHING, can do NOTHING. Only God Is, therefore only God is BEING.
In this way you are preparing, emptying consciousness of preconceived ideas, effort and form, making way for the actual experience of God to be evident.
I so much look forward to spending these private three days with you and this devoted, high-consciousness group.
Great works are to come forth as each of us by the degree we individually hear the Truth, and then LIVE It, BE It... which means let It LIVE Us, let It BE Us.
See you 16th September!