Mystical Healing - 3 Day Instructive & Experiential Retreat

28, 29, 30th (Sat, Sun, Mon) May 2011, Novato, California

For "advanced" students.


In the illumined state of Spirit-Only consciousness, All is Infinite, Harmonious and Boundless.

The mystical consciousness has as its substance, its awareness, its every body, object, amount, activity and condition, JUST SPIRIT - 100 percent SPIRIT.

It recognizes no difference between the "inner" and the "outer", the "invisible" and the "visible", the "intangible" and the "tangible". All is One, Omnipresence being omnipresent.

It pays little creed to the appearance of matter - the material, physical, earthly appearance of Spirit Form experienced as the five senses of man. In the high state of pure spiritual (mystical) consciousness ALL is known as Harmonious, Peaceful, Joyful, Affluent and Purposeful.

As truly Known, tangibly witnessed.

Mystical healing is achieved when you and I know there is no one, no thing and no condition to heal, but that JUST GOD EXISTS.

Individual ability to witness so-called "healing" (revealing) of health, love, supply, abundance (of any and all form), peace, harmony, joy, safety, security, justice, opportunity and fulfillment of purpose is directly proportional to the purity of mystical consciousness achieved.

This retreat is instructive and experiential. Paul will be guiding the group through specific example after example, rooting out stubbornly remaining concepts and belief in materiality and physicality, into the mystical state.

Amongst instruction there will be much mystical meditation and silence.

For "Advanced" Students Only Please

"Mystical Healing" is an instructive and experiential retreat for "advanced" students only - those who have studied and practiced the Miracle Self message for some time (and/or Joel S. Goldsmith's Infinite Way).

Please make CERTAIN you are ready and able for 2 - 4 cumulative hours of deep silence of mystical healing throughout each of the three days.

Audio Set

This retreat will be recorded. You receive the set of audios (as download mp3s) free as a participant.


Novato Oaks Inn, 215 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949

Reservations: 800-625-7466

Local: 415-883-4400

Fax: 415-883-4128


***IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to reserve your room QUICKLY because it is Memorial Day weekend. The hotel cannot guarantee room availability after April - last year they sold out over that weekend.***

***Let the hotel know you are with "The Miracle Self Group" to get a special room rate.***

Novato Oaks Inn

Daily Schedule

Daily schedule for the 3 days:

First session: 10am - 11.30am. (Please arrive in good time. Paul will be starting the session promptly at 10am. Ideally sit in silence for 10 or 15 minutes before the session begins).

Break: 11.30 - 12 noon.

Second session: 12 noon - 1.30pm.

Lunch break: 1.30pm - 3pm.

Third session: 3pm - 4.15pm

Break: 4.15pm - 4.30pm

Last daily session: 4.30pm to 6pm (expect Monday when the last session will end 5pm)

Retreat Fee

Retreat fee is $350 per person (does NOT include travel, accommodation, meals or drinks).

Book your place(s) here

If you would like to ask a question about attending this retreat, feel free to email Gabriella Barr at

Or Paul at

Thank you!