Today's Snippet
November 18, 2017
Spiritual illumination (and the discernment that comes with it) lifts us into the reality of God as one and all, the all in all of experience.
God—which is omnipresent oneness—is the reality, the substance, quality, character, form, amount and activity of all.
The “all” of experience is the all of mind formation. But mind does not change God. The forms of mind are the same one, unconditioned omnipresence of God, good.
God is the only is, the only presence, the only power.
Nothing can change this truth, lessen it, make it separate or different. All is God, despite what we may or may not believe about it.
From Healing of the Body page 26
Healing of the Body
by Paul F. Gorman
New Cover Design
September 27, 2017
284 pages Paperback
Available from Amazon