Today's Snippet
August 16, 2019
Nothing will be.
“There is no
new thing under the sun.”
The whole of omnipresence is
and is its own demonstration, its own presence,
its own
form, its own manifestation,
its own visibility. There is none else.
The infinity and eternity of God
is right where you are,
demonstrated and manifested,
visible and tangible as all that exists.
What, therefore, do you or I need to demonstrate? Nothing; all
already is.
But we must be consciously aware
of what the omnipresent
good is:
God or spirit itself.
From Chapter 14, Abide In Me, from the new
Healing of the Body, Page 184
(to be published soon)
Dear Friends, the new Miracle Self book
Acts of Awareness is free for you here
(or click the book image)
(no email or password required)
The Original Edition
Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman
September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback
Available from Amazon