Today's Snippet
July 18, 2019
Only with your eyes shall thou behold the reward of the wicked.
The Psalmist refers to the masses as “the wicked”—those who are not living in God awareness. The “reward of the wicked” is the discord, disease, lack, and limitation experienced in “human” consciousness, the consciousness of belief.
But “it shall not come near you.” We become immune to the good vs. bad of human experience as we rise in spiritual consciousness and truly live out from the consciousness of oneness.
Only “with your eyes” do you see separation, discord, and suffering “out there” in the world.
From Chapter 14, Abide In Me, from the new
Healing of the Body, Page 176
(to be published soon)
Dear Friends, the new Miracle Self book
Acts of Awareness is free for you here
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The Original Edition
Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman
September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback
Available from Amazon