Today's Snippet
June 7, 2019
“I am the bread of life [I, consciousness, and form are one]. . . . I am the bread which comes down from heaven [Christ I or consciousness is the perfect image and likeness of God]. . . . the bread which I give is my body [the good revealed through the unconditioned I AM is the body—the universal good—revealed as Christ consciousness] which I give for the sake of the life [the truth] of the world.”
From Chapter 13, Mind Is Form, from the new
Healing of the Body, Page 165
(to be published soon)
Dear Friends, the new Miracle Self book
Acts of Awareness is free for you here
(or click the book image)
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The Original Edition
Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman
September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback
Available from Amazon