Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

May 20, 2018

Only God is, only oneness is—inseparable, indivisible oneness, incapable of being anything but one, anything “different” from or less than itself.

Because only oneness exists, only one being and body exists.

Oneness does not produce 7.6 billion different people and bodies. Oneness appears, to an infinite variety of sense, to be billions of different, separate people and bodies.

Unconditioned sense is true and innocent; it is when sense is believed to be reality in itself that experience is troublesome.

If we fall for the belief in a world full of different, separate people and bodies our experience will have nothing to do with truth.

To experience truth we must live in the awareness of truth. If we continue to live in belief, all we will experience is belief-person, belief-body, and belief-condition—that consisting of both good and bad.

From Healing of the Body page 79

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Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback

Available from Amazon